What is echolocation? How do bats navigate without eyes and sonar explained

Our eyes is the best gift given from God but what will happen if we don't have eyes. The best possible to navigate is echolocation.
In simple terms echolocation is a bio sonar used by several kinds of animals like bats , dolphin ,whale etc. Echolocating animals emit calls out from the environment and listen to those calls that returns from various obstacle

Bats cannot see in night or there vision is low . How can they navigate?? It's simple bats emits a high frequency waves which travel far distance , and if suppose there is an obstacle in between the sound waves it strike backs and returnes in the same direction to bats . This sound waves can be only heared by the bats as they have long ears. The bats hear the sound analysis it and judges it's movements. This concept also helps them to hunt insects. The bats can do this 200 times in 1 second.

Echolocation is useful to to dolphin ,whale and many other oceanic creatures living underwater in ocean where light cannot reach. This is because sound waves is faster than light waves in water so with the help of this they can easily navigate , also they can communicate between each other with the sonar waves. When dolphin emits these waves and when it strike backs in same direction the jaw system of the dolphin analysis the waves and finds out the obstacle and makes a way through which the dolphin can go.

Sonar is a technique or a way used to find distance, to communicate , or to detect an object under the surface of water with the use of sound propagation.
Sonar is used in submarine because it performs better than radioactive waves because Sonar can travel a longer distances. Sonar are of two types active sonar and passive sonar. Active sonar uses a sound transducer trough which it emits a sound of pulse into the water and if there is an object between the sound pulse strike back and returns to sound transducer. The sound transducer can also detect the strength of the signals. It helps to detect obstacle. Also to find distance
Passive sonar is a method to detect signals underwater. Passive somas doesn't emit any sound impulse it only recieve signals so that it can detect object in underwater which is receive by transducer
Sonar are also used in sonography where sonar waves are sent in the body the waves hit the tissue boundary and strike backs to the transducer and creates an image of the organ .
I hope you have understand so far about echolocation and sonar. See you soon and good bie

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